3 November 2013

10 Benefits of Blogging

1) Boosts your search engine ranking.
Want to get high up in Google results? Then blog. Google and other search engines love nothing more than dynamic, changing content and a blog provides just does that.
Ensure your blog talks about topics and themes relevant to your business, place strategic keywords in the content and if this is what your ideal customer will be searching for; hey presto, you're there in their search results.
2) Attract new visitors and keep existing ones
In line with number 1, changing content will keep current visitors coming back for more as well as attracting new visitors. This in turn will lead to new client/customers if you play your cards right.
3) Establish yourself as an expert
Writing blog posts that provide answers to common questions and problems establishes you as an expert in that field and the "go to" person in that industry. SO find out what problems your potential customers are having, solve that problem in a detailed post and let them find you.
4) Gather a community of loyal ambassadors
Once people start to realise that you provide a timely and useful blog you will create an army of fans that wait for each edition and are willing to recommend you to their friends/network.
5) Spotlight a product/service
Use a blog post to detail your new product and service, share it with your network and get them to spread the word.
6) Get immediate feedback
Every blog should have a comments section. This allows your readers to tell you what they think of you, your writing, your business and/or your service/product. This helps you make changes quickly and appropriately.
7) Collect emails
The comments section is also a great way of collating emails (just warn people if you are going to use them in this way). You can then add these to your mailing list and offer further products/services to them.
8) Learn lots
Researching topics for blog posts is a great way of learning more. To write, you must read and to read is to learn.
9) Broaden your network
Asking for guest posts/bloggers will widen your network. You'll find other people and businesses that have the same and different interests to you. How can you collaborate? How does their business compliment yours?
10) Improve your writing
Writing blogs is hard but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Honestly.

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